Strengthening the African voice on global challenges

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is an African organisation providing an African voice on current global challenges, grounded in sound leadership and governance.

The Foundation provides data and data-led analysis to assess these challenges at the continental level, bringing together stakeholders from Africa and beyond, including Africa’s youth, to discuss potential solutions.

Our initiatives and programmes inform discussions, convene stakeholders, and foster Africa’s young leaders.

2024 IIAG launched

The Mo Ibrahim Foundation released the 2024 Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG), the latest iteration of the biennial dataset assessing governance performance and trends in the 54 African countries over the decade 2014-2023. The 2024 Index Report, Key Findings, Country Scorecards and other relevant documents are available for download.

Now Generation Network

The hub of Africa's most forward-thinking young minds.

We are world-class.

Nasi Rwigema, NGN member, 2017 MIF Scholar


Do not take Africa for granted.
Mo Ibrahim

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Data stories

Cheap electricity from renewable sources could provide 65% of the worlds total electricity supply by 2030

Data stories

Due to this lack of energy, only 55.7% of the continent's population has access to electricity, as opposed to over 90% for the rest of the world

Data stories

39.7 million additional people in sub-Saharan Africa could be pushed into extreme poverty by 2030 due to climate change

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